Whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel - Zodiac

Coastal, Dolphin, Speed boat, Whales

Are you ready for whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel on a Zodiac RIB Boat?

During this whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel you’ll have the opportunity to watch some of more than 25 cetacean species around the Azores Islands on a super-fast zodiac. On São Miguel, we work with one of the most experienced whale watching companies of the islands of the Portuguese Azores Archipelago.

Come a board of this unforgettable whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel that departs from Ponta Delgada, the main Marina of São Miguel Island. The tour takes around 3 hours, with daily departures, depending on weather conditions. The whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel is preceded by a briefing in which one of the qualified biologists explains the importance of how the whale hunting converted to whale watching in the Azores.

This whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel is done on a super-speedy and agile zodiac. Before departure, but already onboard, you will be briefed about safety, rules of observation and respect for the local fauna and flora. The experienced staff will provide an overview of what may be sighted during the whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel and give live commentary on the tour and sightings.

São Miguel is located in the Atlantic Ocean, about a third of the way between Portugal and North America. The Azores islands are home or point of passage for more than a third of the world’s whale and dolphin species. Given this special location, you can find many species, such as sperm whales, common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and risso’s dolphins, and more. Summer months are the best time to see Atlantic spotted dolphins, pilot whales and striped dolphins, whereas the spring months are the time to see migrating baleen whales such as blue whales, fin whales and sei whales.

What are you waiting for? Book your Whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel - Zodiac now!



  • Ver a estos mamíferos en su hábitat natural es una experiencia muy mágica;

  • Esta experiencia es siempre una aventura, ya que nunca se sabe qué especie iremos a encontrar;

  • Disfrutad de la vista única sobre la increíble costa;

  • Nuestro equipo es simpático, joven y experimentado, y vos daran una experiencia inolvidable;

No olvidar

  • Todas las experiencias marítimas están sujetas a las condiciones climáticas y marítimas. En caso de malas condiciones, nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para reprogramar o hacer un reembolso;

  • El número de teléfono y la dirección del operador, se mencionan en el correo electrónico de confirmación.

  • Al reservar, pagan solamente un depósito. El resto pagáis directamente al operador una vez que ha sido confirmado la reserva;

  • Recomendamos traer crema de sol y ropa cómoda;


  • Información de seguridad, seguro y chalecos salvavida están incluidos;

  • Perfect activity for your group of friends or family to celebrate special occasions;

  • El paseo de observación de delfines es acompañado por un experto marino que podrá contaros todos los secretos sobre los animales y las otras formas de vida en el mar;

Experiencias similares en Azores

Reservar con antelación para garantizar los asientos
Whale and dolphin watching in São Miguel - Zodiac