Snorkeling in Playa De Amadores

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Children, Diving, Snorkeling, Swimming

Are you ready to go snorkeling in Playa De Amadores?

If you're visiting Gran Canaria and love the sea and are up for some adventure? Then this experience snorkeling in Playa De Amadores is for you. The experience takes about 4 hours and is done in small groups. This snorkeling tour is a great thing to do in Gran Canaria with your family or friends.
The mostly used dive site for this snorkeling experience is Amadores Bay. Amadores Bay is a lovely and calm site from the beach, making it a perfect experience for unexperienced divers and for children. You can expect to be in the water for about 60 minutes. There's no boat tour involved as the snorkeling takes place from shore.

Regarding safety, all measures are in place. Before getting into the water, you will be given a full briefing explaining all safety procedures. In addition, the guide will tell you everything about the local marine life that you can expect to see. The guide will be with you in the water all the time, pointing out all the fish you'll see and helping you if needed. At sea, the guide will be carrying a big orange buoy to make others aware that you are in the water.

You don't need to worry about what to bring as full professional snorkeling equipment (including a wetsuit) will be provided. Although the wetsuit will keep help you floating, if you or your children need it, a life jacket can be provided for a bit of extra support. You just need to bring your swimming suit, sunscreen and towel. This snorkeling tour in Gran Canaria will be guided by a fully qualified PADI instructor.

This snorkeling tour includes pickup and drop-off at your accommodation in the South of Gran Canaria so make sure you mention your transfer details in the booking notes.
The usual collection time starts at 8:00am (this will be confirmed upon booking) and you should be back to your hotel at approximately 12:00pm.



  • Nuestro equipo es simpático, joven y experimentado, y vos daran una experiencia inolvidable;

  • Esta experiencia es adecuada para todas las edades y niveles de experiencia. Si no tenéis ninguna experiencia, nuestro equipo experimentado vos enseñará todo;

  • Bajo la supervisión de instructores PADI experimentados, aprenderás los básicos para una experiencia segura y divertida;

  • Esta experiencia es una buena opción para familias y grupos de amigos que aman el mar, la naturaleza y la aventura;

No olvidar

  • La edad mínima es de 6 años;

  • Todas las experiencias marítimas están sujetas a las condiciones climáticas y marítimas. En caso de malas condiciones, nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para reprogramar o hacer un reembolso;

  • El número de teléfono y la dirección del operador, se mencionan en el correo electrónico de confirmación.

  • Recomendamos traer crema de sol, ropa de baño, un sombrero y una toalla;

  • Recomendamos traer un bocadillo y agua;

  • No se requiere experiencia previa ni licencias;


  • Incluye todo lo que necesitáis para hacer esnórquel: guía, traje de neopreno (opcional), máscara completa, aletas y esnórquel;

  • El transporte de ida y vuelta está incluido. Si deseáis utilizarlo, por favor indicadlo en las notas de la reserva junto con la dirección;

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Snorkeling in Playa De Amadores