Discover Sailing in Porto

Instant Booking
Family, Groups, Sailing, Whales

Are you ready for a Discover Sailing in Porto?

This Discover Sailing in Porto is the perfect opportunity for you to experience the thrill of sailing with only the wind as your power source. Get ready to participate in the maneuvering and steering of a sailboat while admiring the breathtaking landscapes along the riverside areas of Vila Nova de Gaia and Porto.

Join us now for this once-in-a-lifetime adventure, where you will feel the adrenaline rush as you glide through the water, powered solely by the wind. For a group of 1 to 5 people, the price is 50€ per person. The duration of the sailing trial is 2,5 hours and includes safety equipment, a certified instructor, and participation insurance.

This sailing lesson is suitable for individuals of all ages (minimum age 5 years) and for those with reduced mobility. It is also ideal for beginners with a basic level of technical and physical difficulty. The location of the sailing trial is between the mouth of the Douro River and the riverside areas, with a possible exit to the sea.
What are you waiting for? Join us now for this Discover Sailing in Porto!



  • Enjoy the view over the impressive city skyline from a unique perspective;

  • We’re sure this experience is one of the most exciting and adventurous experiences during your holidays;

  • Enjoy the art of sailing and the feel the power of the wind;

  • This experience is a good choice for families and groups of friends who are passionate about the ocean, nature and adventure;


  • All sea experiences are subject to the weather and sea conditions. In case of bad conditions, we'll contact you to reschedule or arrange a refund;

  • Detailed tour operator information, including local phone number and exact address, is included in your confirmation email;

  • The possibility of sailing is always subject to the sea and wind conditions. As we love sailing, we'll always do our best to do so;

  • We recommend bringing sunscreen and comfortable clothes;

  • The minimum age is 5 years old;


  • A safety briefing, insurance and life-jackets are included;

  • Perfect activity for your group of friends or family to celebrate special occasions;

  • Our experienced crew will teach you the most important things before you start, so no previous experience needed;

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Discover Sailing in Porto
2h 30m