Rifffischen in Vilamoura - halber Tag

4.4 Over 105 Reviews
Angetrieben von Cruzeiros da Oura

Erleben Sie das Meer mit Cruzeiros da Oura

4.4 Over 105 Reviews

Are you ready to go on a half day tour reef fishing in Vilamoura?

Reef fishing in Vilamoura is a fantastic experience for the whole family. On these half day tours fishing in Vilamoura, you’ll have the chance to catch many different species of fish. The whole family is welcome as we have special prices for kids up to 12 years old and for the ones who prefer not to fish, we have a special spectator rate.

Reef fishing in Vilamoura is a great thing to do whilst on holidays in the Algarve. Vilamoura is a true fishing paradise because the warm Gulf Stream that passes by its coast creating a special habitat for many species of groundfish. On the tours with reef fishing in Vilamoura, we usually catch Seabream, Bass, Mackerel and Conger among other species.

The boat trip itself is very nice as we’ll have unique views over the coastline of the Algarve. For the spectators, there’s also time to sunbathe, swim and simply support the fishermen. And the best – you get to take your catch home for dinner!

Hervorgehobene Bewertungen

Vilamoura ist ein luxuriöses Reiseziel mit einem großen Angebot an Wassersportmöglichkeiten. Wir empfehlen eine Bootstour, um die atemberaubende Küste der Algarve zu erkunden, oder eine Paddeltour auf dem ruhigen Wasser. Der Yachthafen ist ein großartiger Ort, um sich nach einem Tag auf dem Wasser zu entspannen, mit herrlichen Aussichten und vielen gastronomischen Möglichkeiten.