Pontonbootvermietung in Hilton Head


Are you ready for pontoon boat rental in Hilton Head?

Diese pontoon boat rental in Hilton Head allows you to be the captain of the boat. Take in the breathtaking scenery as we provide one of the largest riding spaces on the island. Adults in South Carolina do not require a boating license to operate a boat. A minimum of one person in your group must have prior boating expertise in order to rent a pontoon boat.

Skull Creek is home to some of the most well-known Atlantic bottlenose dolphins in the world, so be on the lookout for them as you take in its breathtaking scenery. After then, it’s smooth sailing as we let you travel to the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean, behind Daufuskie Island, through the Cooper River, or up the May River to see the sand bar and Palmetto Bluff.

You’ll get a professional introduction on how to navigate Hilton Head Island’s waterways, and don’t be hesitant to ask for some excellent lunch choices on the water. Pontoon boats can hold up to ten people, and the captain must be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license. Bring your friends and family for an exciting day on the water!
What are you waiting for? Rental now the pontoon boat in Hilton Head!
Angetrieben durch GetYourGuide
Hilton Head
Hilton Head ist eine Mischung aus Abenteuer und Entspannung. Wir empfehlen eine Kajaktour durch das Sumpfgebiet oder eine Bootstour bei Sonnenuntergang - die Aussicht ist unglaublich. Die weiten, nicht überfüllten Strände sind perfekt, um sich nach einem Tag auf dem Wasser zu entspannen.

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