Lagos Wing Foil

Coastal, Adrenalina, Surf, Nadar, Watersports

Are you ready for Lagos Wing Foil?

If you're looking for an exciting water sport to try out in Lagos, then you definitely need to check out wing foiling! Wing foiling is an amazing experience that combines the exhilaration of windsurfing with the speed and grace of kitesurfing. And here in Lagos, we offer the perfect location for wing foiling enthusiasts of all levels!

Our experienced instructors will teach you everything you need to know to get started with wing foiling, including how to handle the wing, how to balance on the board, and how to catch the wind. You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll pick up the basics and be gliding along the water like a pro!

We provide all the equipment you'll need for your wing foiling lesson, including the wing, board, and safety gear. We'll also give you a quick safety briefing before you hit the water, so you can be confident that you're in good hands.

Our meeting point is located right on the beach, so you won't have to go far to start your wing foiling adventure. And with our expert instructors by your side, you'll be sure to have a safe and fun experience.

So what are you waiting for? Join us now for this amazing wing foiling experience in Lagos, and discover a whole new world of water sports excitement! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time foiler, we guarantee you'll have an unforgettable time on the water. Book your wing foiling lesson today!



  • Desfrutem da vista sobre a costa de uma perspetiva única;

  • A nossa equipa é dinâmica, jovem e qualificada, garantindo uma experiência inesquecível;

  • Sintam a natureza e aproveitem o passeio sem deixar um impacto negativo no meio ambiente!

Não esquecer

  • Todas as experiências marítimas estão sujeitas às condições meteorológicas e marítimas. Em caso de más condições, entraremos em contato para reagendar ou fazemos um reembolso;

  • Informações do operador como o número de telefone e morada completa constam no e-mail de confirmação;

  • Recomendamos trazer protetor solar, fato de banho, uma toalha e chapéu;

O que está incluído

  • Perfect activity for your group of friends or family to celebrate special occasions;

  • A nossa equipa experiente ensinar-vos-á as coisas mais importantes antes de começar. Não é necessário ter experiência prévia;

  • Se estiver calor, podem dar um mergulho no mar refrescante;

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Lagos Wing Foil
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