Wildlife Watching Boat Tour in Kona

Reserva Inmediata
Aves, Dolphin, Snorkeling, Speed boat, Swimming, Whales

Are you ready for a Wildlife Watching Boat Tour in Kona?

This boat tour will surely be an unforgettable experience of a lifetime! Our experienced naturalist captains and crew share a deep respect and passion for the ocean and its inhabitants, making our morning wildlife watching tour an adventure like no other. 

No matter the time of year, whale season is always in full swing. Join us as we venture into the unknown and encounter 17 different resident whale and dolphin species, turtles, sharks, Hawaiian Monk seals, various species of birds, and much more. Kona's unique coastline is one of the few places in the world where you can witness such a diverse array of wildlife year-round. 

Experience the thrill of our military-grade Zodiac Hurricanes, the same boats used by Navy seals, as we explore the diverse habitat provided by Hawaii's deep underwater geography. It's truly an ocean safari for the true adventure seeker! 

The boat will depart from Honokohau Harbor for the 4-5 hour boat tour. We highly encourage our guests to bring cameras along for their photographic experience and the opportunity to become a valuable contributor to citizen science. While this isn't a snorkeling excursion, we may include an off-the-beaten-path snorkeling location, so be sure to wear your swimsuit just in case. 

While we can't guarantee encounters, with the abundance of year-round ocean residents, the chance of no sighting is low. Board our rafts at our designated location 15 minutes prior to departure, and get ready to embark on an adventure like no other. 

Our rafts can hold up to 16 passengers, but we can accommodate larger groups as we have multiple rafts. So whether you're traveling solo or with a larger group, we've got you covered. You won't want to miss out on this thrilling adventure. Book now and get ready for an experience you'll never forget!

What are you waiting for? Join us now on this Wildlife Watching Boat Tour in Kona!



  • Todos los amantes de la naturaleza que visitan la región deberían visitar esta reserva marina;

  • Observa especies de aves raras que no se pueden encontrar cerca;

  • Disfrutad de la vista única sobre la increíble costa;

  • Un experto marino local vos contará todo sobre los aves que iréis ver durante la experiencia;

No olvidar

  • Este paseo no es adecuado para mujeres embarazadas o personas con problemas de espalda/cuello;

  • Por favor, preséntaos 15 minutos antes de la salida;

  • Todas las experiencias marítimas están sujetas a las condiciones climáticas y marítimas. En caso de malas condiciones, nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para reprogramar o hacer un reembolso;

  • El número de teléfono y la dirección del operador, se mencionan en el correo electrónico de confirmación.

  • La edad mínima es de 7 años;

  • Lleva traje de baño y crema solar segura para los arrecifes


  • El paseo de observación de delfines es acompañado por un experto marino que podrá contaros todos los secretos sobre los animales y las otras formas de vida en el mar;

  • Tenemos material para hacer esnórquel a bordo para vosotros;

  • Dad un chapuzón en el mar cristalino;

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Wildlife Watching Boat Tour in Kona