First Time Diving in St. Thomas

Reserva Inmediata
Diving, Exciting, Watersports

Are you ready for your first time diving in St. Thomas?

Dive into a new adventure by joining our Discover Scuba Diving course! Whether you've always dreamed of exploring the depths of the ocean or just want to try something new, our experienced instructors are here to guide you every step of the way. During this approximately 4-hour course, you'll receive a crash course in scuba diving without committing to certification.

This course takes place at the Saga Haven Marina in St. Thomas and has the maximum capacity of 15 participants. Before your scheduled day, you'll participate in a quick 15-minute Discover Scuba prep course to get you up to speed. On the day of your adventure, your instructor will review what you've learned before guiding you through a pool-like session to learn new skills and see what it's like to breathe underwater. Then, it's time for the real deal as you embark on a dive with your instructor by your side. 

Please note that all participants must be able to swim comfortably in an open water environment without assistance. You'll also need to complete a standard Diver Medical Questionnaire for your prep course. Keep in mind, that some conditions require pre-approval by a physician. 

We want to make this experience as stress-free as possible, so we've got almost everything covered. Just bring your swimwear, sun protection, towels and don't forget to pack your smile! It's important to note that gratuity and transportation to the marina are not included, and rates may vary around holiday dates. We also require a minimum of 3 divers to run any boat trip. In the unlikely event that we do not have a minimum of 3 divers, we will inform you as soon as possible and offer to reschedule or refund your full booking charge. 

We're confident you'll have a fantastic time with us, and who knows, this could be the start of a lifelong passion for underwater exploration.  What are you waiting for? Join us now on this First time Diving in St. Thomas!



  • Tomad vuestro primero respiro bajo el agua en esta experiencia de bautismo de buceo;

  • Bajo la supervisión de instructores PADI experimentados, aprenderás los básicos para una experiencia segura y divertida;

  • Si no queréis bucear, vos invitamos a participar en este bonito paseo como espectador y disfrutar de las impresionantes vistas;

  • Los instructores experimentados vos enseñarán todo lo que tenéis que saber y vos mostrarán los lugares más hermosos;

No olvidar

  • Para que esta experiencia pueda ser realizada, se requiere un mínimo de 3 participantes;

  • Para participar en esta experiencia, debéis saber nadar y sentiros cómodo en el mar;

  • Por favor, preséntaos 30 minutos antes de la salida;

  • Todas las experiencias marítimas están sujetas a las condiciones climáticas y marítimas. En caso de malas condiciones, nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para reprogramar o hacer un reembolso;

  • El número de teléfono y la dirección del operador, se mencionan en el correo electrónico de confirmación.

  • Recomendamos traer crema de sol, ropa de baño, un sombrero y una toalla;


  • Perfect activity for your group of friends or family to celebrate special occasions;

  • Información de seguridad por un capitán experimentado, seguro y chalecos salvavida están incluidos;

  • Incluye todo lo que necesitáis para bucear: guía, traje de neopreno, máscara completa, aletas, tanques y un esnórquel;

  • Nuestro equipo experimentado os enseñará las cosas más importantes antes de comenzar, por lo que no se necesita experiencia previa;

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First Time Diving in St. Thomas