Dolphin Cruise with Snorkeling in Destin

Reserva Inmediata
Children, Dolphin, Family, Groups, Snorkeling, Swimming

Are you ready for a Dolphin Cruise with Snorkeling in Destin? 

This thrilling boat trip lasts 2.5 hours and takes you to two different snorkeling locations, as well as searching for dolphins. We highly recommend booking this 2-boat Trip in advance to ensure availability.

The first stop is the East Jetty in Destin's East Pass where you'll get up close and personal with a variety of fish species as you snorkel around rocks. During your boat tour to the next location, be on the lookout for playful dolphins in their natural habitat. The second stop is at the Gulf Shores National Seashore, where you can take in the stunning scenery and even collect empty shells at this eco stop. All snorkel gear is included and sanitized for your safety.

We offer the widest range of options for groups of all sizes to snorkel, dolphin watch, and enjoy a breathtaking sunset in Destin. Our state-of-the-art boats and equipment are regularly maintained to ensure your comfort and safety. Our knowledgeable and passionate staff will provide you with an experience you'll never forget. The boat will depart from Harbor Boulevard in Destin and can take up to 49 passengers.

Don't forget to bring plenty of sunscreen and leave the ice chests at home. Snacks are allowed, but smoking is not permitted. Parking is available on location. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity with Flipper's Adventures to explore the stunning beauty of Destin's coastline and its diverse marine life. Book your 2-Stop Snorkel Trip today and get ready for an experience of a lifetime!

What are you waiting for? Join us now on this Dolphin Cruise with Snorkeling in Destin!



  • La posibilidad de encontrar delfines salvajes es muy alta gracias a nuestra tripulación experimentada;

  • En este paseo podéis observar delfines y otras especies marinas en su hábitat natural;

  • Esta experiencia es siempre una aventura, ya que nunca se sabe qué especie iremos a encontrar;

  • Disfrutad de la vista única sobre la increíble costa;

No olvidar

  • Esta experiencia no incluye comida ni bebidas. Podéis traer algo de casa;

  • Por favor, preséntaos 30 minutos antes de la salida;

  • Todas las experiencias marítimas están sujetas a las condiciones climáticas y marítimas. En caso de malas condiciones, nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para reprogramar o hacer un reembolso;

  • El número de teléfono y la dirección del operador, se mencionan en el correo electrónico de confirmación.

  • Lleva traje de baño y crema solar segura para los arrecifes


  • Información de seguridad, seguro y chalecos salvavida están incluidos;

  • Tenemos material para hacer esnórquel a bordo para vosotros;

  • Incluye comentarios a bordo de vuestro capitán local sobre los lugares más interesantes de la región;

  • Dad un chapuzón en el mar cristalino;

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Reservar con antelación para garantizar los asientos
Dolphin Cruise with Snorkeling in Destin
2h 30m