illustration about where SeaBookins team work from

Where we work from


SeaBookings is a unique resource to discover, compare and book the best watersports and boat tours. SeaBookings was born by a dream of two Dutch sisters - Bo and Femke Irik - who aimed to help small local tour operators gain more visibility online and thereby allowing travellers to be able to book the best and most authentic sea experiences.
The sisters had been working for many seasons in maritime tourism and felt they could boost this niche using technology.
As such, they found Fábio, a Portuguese “Geek” who was happy to quit his job and join the girls on this adventure.

We are obsessed with finding the best ways to enjoy the ocean. That’s why we have experiences for all kind of travellers who are interested in getting to know the beautiful waters of our planet. Starting in Portugal and quickly visioning to expand worldwide, our close relationships with local maritime tour operators imply we supply the best sea experiences at our selected destinations.
Making a booking via SeaBookings is very easy and can be done anywhere at any time up to the last moment, even if you are already at you holiday destination! To ensure that the booking process flows smoothly, we provide a multilingual support by email and phone.

Book unforgettable Sea Experiences: easily, anywhere and anytime

Why you should book with us

  • We’re specialists in sea experiences. If your first choice is not available, we’ll present you personalized alternatives;
  • We only work with the best tour operators. Our partners go through a strict selection process;
  • Online lowest price guarantee. If you find the exact experience at a lower rate, let us know, and we’ll apply the lowest rate;
  • Change your travel dates free of charge, as long as you notify us 3 days ahead of your scheduled experience.
  • If you request a date change within 3 days or less of your confirmed travel date, we will attempt to honor your request; but these changes may be subject to an additional fee;
  • No cancellation fees if you cancel at least 7 days in advance of the scheduled departure of your sea experience.

Meet our tribe

Seabookings Team
Femke Irik

Femke Irik


“What goes around comes around”

Femke is the mind behind SeaBookings. In 2013 (yes, before launching SeaBookings in 2014), she was already working hard to set up this amazing platform. Not only is she committed to SeaBookings, but her passion for horses made her set up Algarve Horse Alarm. She rescues horses in need and supports horse owners and the community through education and medical support. In total, Femke has 14 pets! 10 horses, 2 dogs and 2 cats. According to Femke, she is living the perfect life. She combines two totally different ways of living and fights for a better world. We at SeaBookings are really proud of her!

Bo Irik

Bo Irik


“Do what you love and never work a day in your life”

Bo is a very energetic person and she passes this positive energy on to the rest of the team. You really can tell that she loves what she does. For her, SeaBookings is not a job but rather a hobby that got out of hand! Her preferred task is obviously to test out all the experiences! Besides working at SeaBookings, Bo is a fanatic runner! If you like running too and would like to get to know her hometown Lisbon a bit better, then going for a “sight run” with Bo is the best thing you can do! Her favorite SeaBookings experience is whale watching, no matter where! Greece is the next destination on her bucket list.

Fábio Neves

Fábio Neves


“Don’t complain, just do it”

Fábio could have been a professional football player but he ended up being the CTO of SeaBookings! This Portuguese “geek” lived in Dublin for a while but decided to quit his job to go back to Portugal and join SeaBookings. For him, SeaBookings is the best place to work in the world. Why? These buzzwords say it all: SEA, Startup, Disrupting, Equality, Freedom, Best team in the World, Summer all year round. He likes to work from anywhere in the world (as long as it’s a warm place). His favorite SeaBookings experience is coasteering and after a team trip to Tenerife, this destination became one of his favorites!

Lianne Gorissen

Lianne Gorissen

Content Creation & Translations

“If you don’t live on the edge, you can’t see the view”

Lianne met Bo, SeaBookings co-founder, while working at a restaurant in the Netherlands during their studies. And now she’s part of this tribe! Lianne is happy to work with SeaBookings because she loves the sea, of course, but also because she likes dealing with people and using her outstanding language skills. Lianne usually works from her cosy home in Utrecht, the Netherlands, or from London, where her boyfriend lives. Traveling is what makes Lianne happiest and that’s why she’s so thankful for being responsible for expanding SeaBookings to Spain.

Nathalie Ehrnleitner

Nathalie Ehrnleitner

Content Creation & Translations

“Mind over matter”

Nathalie is a real go-getter. In February 2018 she joined our team and she is already indispensable. Half Austrian half Brazilian born in Germany with an Austrian passport and Portuguese residence (what?), speaking 4 different languages (Portuguese, German, English and Spanish) is a unique combo! She likes to work from her couch in Burgau, the South of Portugal, with her two dogs sitting next to her and supporting her wherever she goes. Her favorite SeaBookings experience is SUP Yoga in Lagos. La Palma is a destination on her bucket list and she is hoping to visit this place very soon!

Francisco Melo

Francisco Melo

Product Designer

“Suck less to success”

SeaBookings is not Francisco’s, or Xiko how his friends call him, full time job but it’s one of the projects he’s proudest of. Rebranding SeaBookings and designing the new website was a pleasant challenge and the result is visible! Xiko really likes SeaBookings as he’s always has had a strong connection to the sea, being a surfer from Lisbon. Beside surf, Xiko’s hobby are startups, having already founded a few. The most recent one is WorkingMinds, an online platform to revolutionize mental health. Xiko likes joining Bo to test all the SeaBookings experiences and Tenerife, like Fábio, is one of the destinations he likes most.

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