Private Catamaran in Setúbal

Groups, Dolphin, Sailing

Are you ready for a private catamaran in Setúbal?

The region around Setúbal and the region of the Arrábida Natural Park and the Sado river is blessed with unique landscapes. The best way to really get to know the natural beauty is with a cruise on the Sado river. On your private catamaran in Setúbal, you can enjoy the view over the splendid nature while relaxing on board together with your group of favourite people! 

For your tour on a private catamaran in Setúbal, you will be welcomed by your friendly crew at the Harbour of Setúbal. Setúbal is a lovely town not too far from Lisbon, so even if you're staying in Lisbon and looking for a get-away from the city, this cruise is a great option for you! Come onboard the spacious and comfortable catamaran with space for up to 18 people and get ready for a relaxing cruise on the Sado river! 

Onboard you can lie down or sit in the sun or the shade and forget about all your worries for the next few hours. You can book this tour for a minimum of 4 hours, and up to a full day cruise. The experienced crew will make sure you have a great time onboard and if you have any questions about the region, feel free to ask away! 

If it gets too warm, you can always take a refreshing dive in the clear waters! Did you know that there are also resident dolphins in the Sado river? If we´re lucky, we might see some during this boat trip! Booking this private catamaran in Setúbal is a great way to spend some real quality time with your colleagues, family or friends and enjoy the spectacular views of the region!

Details about the catamaran sailboat:

  • Maximum capacity: 18 passengers 
  • Length: 17,8 m
  • Crew: 1 or 2 pax
  • WC's: YES
  • Marina: Setúbal or Troia

Rates of this catamaran for 2023:

  • 4 hours up to 10 people: from 1500€ (from 11 to 14 people: 150€ per person) | Extra hour: 400€
  • 4 hours from 15 to 18 people: from 2500€ | Extra hour: 600€

  • This experience will give you access exclusive areas far from the busy touristic areas;
  • The experienced skipper knows all the secrets and history of the region, and will happily tell you all about it;
  • Enjoy the view over the amazing coastline from a unique perspective;
  • The perfect activity for your group of friends or family to celebrate special occasions;
  • All sea experiences are subject to the weather and sea conditions. In case of bad conditions, we'll contact you to reschedule or arrange a refund;
  • Detailed tour operator information, including local phone number and exact address, is included in your confirmation email;
  • Please check-in 20 minutes before the start of the experience;
  • We recommend bringing sunscreen, swimming gear, a hat and a towel;
  • For safety reasons, it’s not permitted to bring your own drinks and food, sorry.
  • A local captain will give you onboard commentary about the sights;
  • Onboard, you’ll have access to toilets and there are shaded areas;
  • If you feel like a refreshment, take a dive into the crystal-clear ocean;
  • A safety briefing by a multilingual guide, insurance and life-jackets are included.


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Private Catamaran in Setúbal